Self Development

February 2, 2021

See every circumstance and situation (particularly those that challenge you) as a tailor-made lesson in your personal plan for self-development. For example, in a situation where hurtful or angry words were exchanged, why not see it as the chance either to perceive things about your own character which need changing or to rehearse some virtue…

Lesson on how to stay peaceful

January 13, 2021

Think  about all the things that worry you. Write them down on a piece of paper. Reflect on the ones you can control and write these on another piece of paper. Against each of the things you can control write what you could do about them. Free yourself from all the other worries which you…

Power of Purity

January 13, 2021

Where there is the power of purity, there is automatically happiness and peace. Purity is the mother of happiness and peace. Pure souls can never be unhappy.

Wise Wealth

December 31, 2020

There are many words for which we have forgotten the meaning – love is one such word, and wealth is another. When we hear or use the word wealth today we immediately conjure images of huge cheques, large properties, five star holidays and the very best in everything. In fact it is this limited form…

Stage of life

December 18, 2020

On the stage of life, be both actor and audience. Detaching yourself from the roles you play will help you get in touch with the part of you that is not an act.

The Wonder Of Silence

December 9, 2020

When the soul goes deep into silence, easiness emerges. The deeper I go into silence, the greater will be my power of tolerance. It is in very deep, extreme silence that the soul becomes elevated. It is in deep, deep silence that God can come in front of the soul.

Good Leadership

November 20, 2020

Good leadership is based on skills which are incognito, like pure feelings, faith and trust. These keep both your frame of mind and the task moving in the right direction. It is human to err, but your high hopes for someone can actually eliminate errors. Doubting people exactly has the opposite effect. Believing in someone,…


November 15, 2020

A slip of the foot I may recover, but a slip of the tongue leaves a deep imprint. Think before you speak, choose your words with care. Once out they cannot be withdrawn.


November 8, 2020

To believe a thing is impossible is to make it so.

Harmonise well with those whom no one else is able to harmonise

October 31, 2020

It is not a big thing to be sweet to those who are sweet to you, but the greatest art is to harmonise well with those whom no one else is able to harmonise.

Greater Success in Co-operation

October 19, 2020

If you think you can do something alone, either because you don’t trust others to do it or because you feel you are the most qualified… * you will always be busy doing everything * you will be unhappy with others because they are not doing what you want * you will be dissatisfied It…

Mindful Moments

October 18, 2020

Most of us are of sound mind, but many of us have trouble maintaining a note of harmony and peace. Most of us know how to think, but few of us are able to control our thoughts. We all have the capacity to be creative, to image new ideas, but few of us are able…


October 11, 2020

To be  a rock for others , I myself need to remain on stable ground. I need to know whom I am and what I can count on to give to others. This kind of constancy only develops when I follow the of recharging my spiritual batteries every day. The early morning hours are the…

‘Make’ your life

October 6, 2020

‘Make’ your life. Don’t just live it. Make it beautiful, logical, enjoyable, remarkable. Be spectacular in your ways, not ordinary.

Offer Up

September 30, 2020

Free yourself from forcing, expecting or wanting someone to receive what you think they should take – it could be your idea, opinion, or an opportunity you think they should accept – you can’t make anyone take anything – your own experience probably confirms this. Offer humbly. Offer gently. Offer as if you are a…

Everything’s Fine

September 21, 2020

To a truly contented and enlightened soul everything in the world, which means the way the world is right now, is just fine. To the unenlightened and discontented soul this will sound like a massive avoidance. But think about it. Does the masterful actor go to the theatre for their evening performance, and on entering…


August 27, 2020

Courage is taking a step forward into an area of difficulty without a solution in mind, trusting that whatever help you need will become available.


August 25, 2020

There is no nourishment like happiness – it’s an elixir. There is no sickness like sorrow – it’s a poison. The experience of true happiness cures the sickness of sorrow. A cheerful face goes a long way towards making everything better!

True winning is accepting not resisting

August 22, 2020

If you ever find yourself defending a position, explaining why, or justifying anything, it means you have been defeated. It means you have not been able to accept the others point of view, or the fact that you may be wrong. Fear has conquered your mind and your heart. Your defences are up and you…

To help others to grow is to enable ourselves to grow.

August 21, 2020

It is easy to raise our voices and complain when we encounter someone else’s negativity. This disturbs our own inner calm and we become caught up with that negativity, When thrown off balance in this way, we are unable to give the other person the support he or she needs. When someone is doing something…

Am I Happy?

July 30, 2020

If there is any sadness I make a strong effort to be free of it quickly, otherwise it grows like a vine in the rainy season: by midday I will be confused; by evening a whole jungle of weak, wasteful and negative attitudes will have taken deep roots in my mind. The result equals chaos.…

Spiritual Growth

July 21, 2020

When I grow, I automatically change. If I fear change, how will I be able to grow?

A World of Peace

July 13, 2020

Your thoughts guide you to your destiny. If you always think the same you will always get to the same place. Think in a new way and you will be a new person. Give happiness to all and you will live in peace. Create peace in your mind and you will create a world of…

The Quality of Mercy

July 9, 2020

A person with the quality of mercy works on such a subtle level that the support given never demeans or implies weakness in the other person.


June 30, 2020

Reading or listening to something good everyday will keep my mind healthy and happy. Thinking good thoughts over helps me to remember what I have heard. Then I become so healthy that when difficult situations come my way I have the inner strength to face them.

Spirituality in Daily Life

June 15, 2020

Spirituality is not a luxury, something for people who have nothing else to do but sit around and meditate. In fact, it is the lack of spirituality in daily life that is causing the breakdown and destruction of our planet and our civilisation. As we restore spirituality we can find methods of working together to…

Independent Observer

June 3, 2020

Peace ends when you are emotionally involved in a situation. The practice of being an independent observer helps you stay stable and calm. It is the best way to approach a decision in any circumstance.

Brave and Vigilant

May 12, 2020

Peace is not a passive attitude; it is an active state. It requires having constant attention and determination, in order to live and to respond as a peaceful being to any upset in life. You need to be brave and vigilant.

Determined Thought

May 11, 2020

Determined thoughts disperse the clouds of negative situations. A lot of negative situations are bound to come our way, resulting in grief, pain and disappointment. At the time, such difficulties feel insurmountable and seem to last forever. I need to recognise that the difficulties I face are like passing clouds. These clouds that gather around…

Good Leadership

May 7, 2020

Good leadership is based on skills which are incognito, like pure feelings, faith and trust. These keep both your frame of mind and the task moving in the right direction. It is human to err, but your high hopes for someone can actually eliminate errors. Doubting people exactly has the opposite effect. Believing in someone,…

The Wonder of Silence

March 26, 2020

The disease of anger needs the medicine of tolerance; the pain of disappointment needs the medicine of hope; the violence of revenge and spite needs forgiveness; fear needs courage, ego needs self-respect. Through inner silence we receive the strength to heal.

Never Forget Your Loving Image

March 21, 2020

May you be an embodiment of love who transforms any fearsome volcanic form with your cool form of love. At every moment with every soul in every situation, never leave aside or forget your loving image, your face of love, your loving interaction and your relationships and connections of love. Create a world of love…

Drop Expectations

March 11, 2020

Today… I drop all expectations, because I know that when I expect, I only set myself up for disappointment.

Humility Reveals Truth

February 22, 2020

Humility comes from the understanding that the force behind whatever help you give to others comes not from you but from the power of love. It is not true that if you are humble others will walk all over you. It is when there is no humility that you can easily be influenced by others…

Still Waters

January 27, 2020

A life of turbulence and noise may seem desirable to one who leads it, but wisdom is a pearl found only in still waters.

Like A Star

January 16, 2020

At the end of the day, on the wings of your thoughts, go beyond the cares and troubles of the world. Remove your mind from everything and everyone, and become blissfully detached, like a star.


January 11, 2020

It is extroversion that wastes our energy and makes us feel weak. In a state of introversion we think less and speak less. We then have the power to put into action whatever we think and whatever we need to do.

All Things Lead to Something Positive

January 8, 2020

Everything has meaning in the fabric of life. Every scene, character – there is a special reason for its presence. Just as looking deep into nature we understand everything better, by trusting we can have faith that all things lead to something positive.    

Shake Hands

November 13, 2019

In the moment of shaking the hand of another, not only are we participating in a universal greeting, but we are acknowledging we are all connected in the game of life together. For what is life but a series of meetings, a gentle sequence of connectings! The touch of hands is a reminder of our…

I wish to be me

October 1, 2019

How fast can life become? How much can we do in the corporeal amount of time we have. There are only 24 hours in the day, but we’re trying to fit 26 hours into it. If we could watch a movie of our average day we’d probably be amazed at all the things we try…

Don’t Just Do Something

September 14, 2019

Something is going wrong, it looks like there is a disaster in the making, and chaos is emerging fast. In the West we say, “Don’t just sit there, do something!” In the East they say, “Don’t just do something, sit there!” Now why is this? Intuitively we know that unless it’s a life threatening situation,…

Love is connected to virtues

September 11, 2019

Virtues create love both within the self and within others. When virtues reduce, the quality of love also reduces. When all virtues are present, there is complete and pure love.


August 13, 2019

Love provides the environment for everyone’s growth. When I experience true love I can provide the right environment for people so that they can progress in their lives. Today I will not hold onto those I love nor expect them to do everything according to my needs, but instead will give them real support.

The Value Of Positive Focus

August 2, 2019

To change the focus from negative to positive is to create hope. Our normal conversations and interactions are full of negativity, whether we are aware of this or not. So without our conscious knowledge, we develop a negative approach to life. It is important for me to be aware when my conversations with others becomes…

True Heart

July 18, 2019

When the feelings in the heart are true, then whatever the mind thinks will be right.

The purpose of my life

July 15, 2019

If at any time I begin to lose hope in myself, let me simply look inside my heart and see all the good actions I have ever performed, from the smallest to the grandest. When I see how much happiness I have given, I easily remember the purpose of my life.


June 1, 2019

If wealth is lost, nothing is lost. If health is lost, something is lost. If character is lost, all is lost.

Learn to Love Ourselves

March 21, 2019

People look for love through relationships. Yet this love is coloured with expectations. When these expectations are not fulfilled there is a tendency to get upset. Before we can love others we need to learn to love ourselves.

Manage your thoughts better

October 5, 2018

Going into silence enables you to manage your thoughts better. You will find there is no need to think so much, that most of the answers you are looking for will come to you, without much effort on your part.


September 18, 2018

The wind may blow from any direction, but the direction in which you go depends on how you set your sails.

Angry people

September 6, 2018

If angry people feel listened to, their anger diminishes.