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Thoughts have great power, they are like seeds you plant in your mind.
The more you hold onto a particular thought, the more power you invest in it. Positive thoughts give us energy and strength. Negative thoughts rob us of power and make us feel tired and strained.
We are by nature positive. Negativity is the result of faulty thinking. You can change if you want to. You can’t control other people, situation or circumstances, but you can control what is going on inside you. It takes time to change and transform those old patterns of thinking.
Be patient with yourself. It starts with a thought….. Today!
Latest thoughts.
Being Comes Before Doing
People spend most of their lives running after things, doing things. They forget that being comes before doing. Those who remember this secret make an effort to “be” and discover that when they stop and observe, life helps and brings whatever is needed. Learning to be is learning to be at peace. It is our…
Determined Thoughts
Determined thoughts disperse the clouds of negative situations. A lot of negative situations are bound to come our way, resulting in grief, pain and disappointment. At the time, such difficulties feels insurmountable and seem to last forever. I need to recognise that the difficulties I face are like passing clouds. These clouds gather around me…
The Illusion Of Dependency
The more a person depends on a pattern of thinking, a particular person or a particular role, the more there is fear of loss. The security created by dependence is illusion. The reality of life is that anything external to ourselves can, at any time, vanish. What will we do then? Where is our life’s…