Latest Thoughts.
Catch up on some of the previous days thoughts
Meditation is the process of getting to know yourself completely, both who you are inside and how you react to what is outside. Above all, meditation is enjoying yourself in the literal sense of the word. Through meditation, you discover a very different “me” from perhaps the stressed or troubled person, who may seem superficially…
Just Like a Tea Bag
Just like a tea bag colours the water with flavour and fragrance when you put it into hot water, in the same way, the next time you’re in ‘hot water,’ be like a tea bag and colour your world with positive attitude and action. That is, allow the situation to bring out the best in…
Love Work
You always have a choice but you forget that you have it. Do you remember the energy and enthusiasm you had on the first day of your first job? You consciously chose to do the work you had gladly accepted to do. But then you gradually fell asleep to the choice you made, and the…
A Moment Of Solitude
When I start the day with a moment of solitude and contemplation, even the most crowded schedule runs more smoothly.
Be Awe – Full
Look out on life with amazement, not shock. The variety, the diversity, the manner of every person, the beauty amidst the drudgery, the contrasts, the opportunities, the heroism in the lives of ordinary people, your gifts, your talents, your friends – even just one friend – is all awesome. Live in awe, and entertain wonder,…
Nurture Nature
Many a philosophical debate arrives at the bottom line – are we naturally the way we are or is it nurtured? Are we all pure in heart, but blinded by the impurities of the world? Are we all enlightened souls who have simply succumbed to illusion? Most of us have an intuitive response which seems…
Awakening Self-Awareness
The foundation of all spiritual growth and personal development is the awakening of self-awareness. Most people however are not yet self-aware, and the majority of those, are not aware that they are not aware. Self-awareness is easy and begins with simply taking a mental step back, and observing your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and actions. Whenever…
Go Deep
Most of us think too much, especially about events and people, local and global, famous and not so famous. When we are always thinking about what is happening on the surface of life, the visible, then it is as if we are living a superficial life. And when two people who both live on the…
Cultivate Innate Wisdom
Tolerance is based on going beyond the superficial things that divide us. It’s the result of turning within and coming to know the self. If I can deal with my own ego, then my own anger can be resolved. This goes a long way in resolving external issues too. With my own ego out of…
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